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Start / End: South Cave
Distance: 6.15 miles
Time: 3 hours
Map: OS 294
Visiting the poetry bench near South Cave is just one of the highlights of this walk along Comber and Drewton Dale, which also delivers stunning views all the way across to the River Humber.
1. Park along Little Wold Lane ensuring that you do not block any access and walk up towards where the road runs out and turns into the footpath. Follow the path up and into the Little Wold Plantation.
2. Take the path straight ahead in the woods and before long you will come to a small clearing on your right where you will find the poetry bench offering lovely views all the way to the Humber. After you have taken a short break here carry on, straight ahead through the woods to the end.
3. At the end of the woods turn right onto the track and follow it downhill for about 1/4 of a mile until you see the gap in the hedgerow on your left and the Yorkshire Wolds Way public footpath sign.
4. Turn left at the sign and go through the metal gate onto the top of Comber Dale.
5. Follow the path down into the Dale enjoying beautiful views and tranquillity of this spot. The path follows the fence line all the way down to a 3-way footpath sign. Take the left-hand public bridleway towards Drewton (1 mile).
6. Negotiate the gate just at the start of this part of the path by manoeuvring it to let you into the middle of it and then out the other side - it is a little bit tricky! Once you have wrestled the gate just follow the path with the fence line on your left and trees on your right.
7. The path opens out but just keep following it as it bends slightly left and then right. As you come to the end this path it swings right to a bridge which goes over a dismantled railway track. After the bridge just keep following the path with more trees on your right that lead down to Drewton Beck.
8. You will find a roadway at the end of this path and a public bridleway signpost pointing left and right. Turn left and follow the roadway towards Drewton Manor.
9. Just before the house at the end of this road turn right to follow the signpost up the side of it and past a duck pond. Please note the signage asking for dogs to be kept on a lead whilst on Drewton Estate land.
10. The roadway climbs quite steeply up at this point - so I did take quite a few breathers to enjoy the view! At the 'Footpath Only - no cycles allowed' sign turn right and follow the edge of the woods along on the grassy path.
11. At the top of this stretch you will come to a stile. Fortunately, there is room next to the stile for dogs to walk through. Once over turn immediately left and follow the fence line upwards, (note do not go straight ahead as this brings you to a breeding pen for game birds which is something you will not want your dogs to find!).
12. The fence line bends away left part way up the field but just carry on ahead across the field following the path up to the gap in the hedge at the top. Go through the gap at the signpost pointing straight ahead and right. Turn right.
13. Follow the path with the woods on your right with Austin's Dale below. It bends left then right; just after it turns sharply left at the corner of the field and just before joining the busy B1230 nip through the open gate to walk right.
14. This cut through avoids walking on the road and you should be able to keep to the vehicle tracks across this field towards the path opposite. When we were there the start of this path is marked on the road by a footpath sign with a plastic cone balanced on top! Turn right onto this next path.
15. Follow the wide, sometimes muddy path straight ahead. At the top, skirt around a small plantation, turning left, then right and then right again through the gap in the hedge where there is a yellow way marker.
16. Follow the path to where you enter the trees and keep going along this edge of Austin's Dale, this time with some glimpses down into the valley below. You will eventually come to a stile. Negotiate the stile by feeding your dog through the fence where the post is slightly askew.
17. Follow the grassy path ahead along the side of Drewton Wold towards Diamond Cottage, which you will see nestled in the bottom of the dale. Head towards this house. At the house go to the far end at the gate and you will see a kissing gate and footpath sign for the public footpath. Go through and follow the path left.
18. Follow the roadway straight ahead with the fence on your left. It bends left and then right at which point you will cross over Drewton Beck. Keep following the roadway up and you will come to the point at which you turned left at instruction 8. Turn left back onto the path you came down on.
19. Now you can just retrace your steps back up the path, over the disused railway bridge and keep going to the tricky gate you found at point 6. When you reach the 3-way footpath sign turn right and head back up Comber Dale to the top where you go back through the gate and turn right.
20. Then just follow the track back up to Little Wold Plantation, turning left to go back through the woods, take a final glance of the poetry bench and back to Little Wold Lane where you parked. Job done!
1. Entering Little Wold Plantation
1. Little Wold Plantation
2. Little Wold Plantation
2. Bill finds the poetry bench
2. Bill just checking the poetry bench
2. Views from the poetry bench
3. Exiting the woods
3. Green track to Comber Dale
3. Views from the track
4. Signpost to Comber Dale
4. Through the metal gate
5. Comber Dale
5. Into Comber Dale
5. Bill exploring the Dale
5. Comber Dale
5. Egg Plantation
5. At the three-way sign
6. The tricky gate
6. Follow the pathway
6. Keep following the obvious path
7. As the path opens up
7. Bill checking all's clear behind
7. Keep following the path
7. Bridge over dismantled railway track
7. Drewton Beck on the right
8. Public bridleway at the roadway
8. Towards Drewton Manor
8. Drewton Estate sign
9. Drewtons Estate
9. Duck pond
10. Turn right at this sign
10. Grassy path along the edge of the wood
11. Stile - bypass under the fence pole Bill!
12. Gap in the hedge at the top of the field
12. Turn right at the signpost
13. The path along the edge of Austin's Dale
13. Looking into the woods at Austin's Dale
13. Follow the path and the waymarker
13. Cut across the field before the B1230
14. Spot the traffic cone
15. Follow the muddy path
15. Bill admiring the view
15. Keep following the muddy path
15. Through the gap in the hedge
15. Follow the path
16. Into the trees
16. Overlooking Austin's Dale
16. The second stile
16. Squeeze your dog through here
17. Drewton Dale
17. Drewton Dale toward Diamond Cottage
17. Footpath sign and gate at Diamond Cottage
18. Roadway from Diamond Cottage
18. Roadway towards Drewton Beck
19. Retrace your steps along the path
19. Bill retracing his steps
19. 'This way'
19. Enjoying the Autumn foliage
19. All the colours of Autumn
19. Back up Comber Dale
Discover Drewton Dale